Hilary Adair

Hilary Adair became a member of U3A Melbourne City in 2003 and began teaching Advanced French since 2006.

From Hilary’s students:

Hilary Adair achieves ten years as tutor of French Advanced Study and Conversation class.

An enthusiastic member of the group when it was led by Marie Einoder, Hilary agreed to be the tutor when Marie retired – with the proviso that members would co-operate in giving talks and contributing to discussions!

With her English background and tertiary studies in France, Hilary speaks beautiful French and helps and encourages class members not so fluent.

Hilary presents her groups with an annual calendar, which her occasionally recalcitrant students sometimes sabotage with their constant travel plans, unplanned fascinating discussions and reluctance to give presentations. Nevertheless, Hilary continues to maintain an engaged and enthusiastic class with a high standard of conversation, plus her supply of quizzes, tit-bits and magazines for people to borrow.

Hilary ensures that the class never misses a Bastille Day or Christmas celebratory lunch, always with invitations to past class members.

Based on this sustained and conspicuous level of contribution to the Languages program, Hilary was commended for and awarded Life Membership of U3A Melbourne City in 2016