U3A Melbourne City is the oldest U3A in Australia, established in 1984. Our activities are centred around the Melbourne CBD, although some members travel in from the outer suburbs.
We are a self-funded, voluntary organisation formed to provide learning and social opportunities to members aged 50+ who are retired or working part-time. A committee of management is elected annually and all administration and tutoring is by volunteers. We ask everyone to help where they can, be it tutoring, administration or event organisation.
* VCAT has exempted U3A Melbourne City from the age discrimination section of the Equal Opportunity Act 2010.
Our History
Click here to download the ebook A History of the First U3A in Australia by Diane Carole Roy and Friends.
U3A Melbourne City is run by its members, for its members. Governance is undertaken by the Committee of Management, supported by volunteers. Current governance documents (such as the annual report, AGM minutes and organisation policies) are available online in our Document Library.
Committee of Management
In accordance with our Rules of Association, the Committee comprises ten positions, of which four are office bearers (President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer), filled by nominees elected at the AGM each November. Additional nominees may then be co-opted if the committee agrees they are likely to make worthwhile contributions to the management of U3A Melbourne City.
The Committee of Management meets monthly. It is supported by working parties that focus on key strategies, particularly in the areas of promotion, accommodation, funding and tutors.
Strategic Plan
In order to ensure the viability and sustainability of U3A Melbourne City, we engage in a strategic planning process every three years. The plan is overseen by the Committee of Management and is implemented through the work of a number of working parties.
Rules of Association
During 2013, the Committee of Management amended its Rules of Association to comply with the new Associations Incorporation Reform Act 2012. The rules prescribe such matters as application for membership, categories of membership, subscriptions, resignation and expulsion of members, disputes and mediation, committee of management, annual and general special meetings, and elections.
The new rules were approved by Consumer Affairs Victoria in 2014, and a revision to the rules of committee membership made in 2015. A copy is available in our Document Library.
Supporters & Life Members
Many U3A members and friends have made special contributions to the life and work of U3A Melbourne City since its establishment in 1985.
We are grateful for the support of the following organisations:
- City of Melbourne
- U3A Network Victoria
- Ross House Association
- Multicultural Hub
- Greek Community Centre
- Royal Historical Society of Victoria
- The Melbourne Athenaeum Library
- University of Melbourne
Life Members
From time to time, the Committee of Management may choose to award life membership to recognise the service of volunteer members. The criterion for life membership is that a member has contributed for a total of ten years, not necessarily continuously.
Click here to view a list of Life Members, and read about their valued contributions.
Recognition of Service
The Committee of Management may choose to award Recognition of Service to a volunteer who has given what the Committee considers exceptional service, normally over a period of not less than five (5) years. · The nominee must be proposed by any two members or the President.