Max Warlond

Max has been a committed and inspiring volunteer since 2011, covering numerous roles across U3AMC based on his many skills and passions. Tutoring Embracing tutoring in 2011, Max has run short courses on various topics: Speaking with Confidence (2011) for Committee and for members; Fit for Retirement (2011 & 2012); Armchair Travel (2018 Summer School) […]


Margaret Smith

Margaret has been a dedicated volunteer and warm presence in many aspects of U3AMC life since 2009. Office A valued office volunteer since 2009, Margaret has participated in all aspects of the office role, and proved a reliable and constant roster participant. Margaret has shown resilience in adapting to the various technological changes impacting on […]


Margaret Rees

Margaret joined U3A Melbourne City in 2006 and was a valued member of the Committee of Management in 2007 & 2008. In 2009 Margaret started volunteering in our office. During her time in the office, Margaret has participated in all the changes that have taken place, including the move to modern technology from Canopus to […]


Pat Collins

Pat joined U3A Melbourne City in 2004 and has been a committed Core Volunteer of this organisation. Office Pat joined the office roster in her first year and continued in this capacity for 10 years. During this time Pat was a very capable, committed and reliable asset to our organisation and assisted in the training […]