Shirley Mason

Shirley joined U3A Melbourne City in 2009. A year later she joined the Committee of Management and also became the Social Secretary organising many events and activities for U3A members over a number of years.

When asked for ideas to celebrate our 30th Anniversary, Shirley suggested a Fashion Show for mature adults, well past their teens, and not just women – men of a certain age also strutted their stuff.

To give us added prominence, Shirley pitched the idea of our Show being part of the Melbourne Fashion Festival. The organisers agreed. The Show, called “Don’t Stop Me Now!” launched our 30th celebrations at the Arts Centre. It was a huge success and gave U3A Melbourne City a profile in local and national media.

Another of Shirley’s ideas to enrich our program in 2011 was a monthly lunch club: Let’s Do Lunch. This led to Let’s Do Music, conducted by Merilyn Burt, followed by a chain of eleven popular Let’s Do groups.

Based on the energy, innovation and commitment Shirley brought to so many volunteer roles, she was commended for and awarded Life Membership in 2020.