Dr Peter Salmon joined in 2007 and has contributed to the life U3A Melbourne City in various volunteer roles, summarized under the following four headings:
Peter has been a tutor since 2007 offering popular, high-demand subjects in Psychology, Psychology & Biology of the Brain, and Genetics. He has consistently received excellent feedback from his students who have valued the extensive and detailed course materials provided, his stimulating and friendly delivery, his enthusiasm, and his class management techniques which engage and respect students with diverse knowledge backgrounds.
Through constant home-study in these ground-breaking areas, Peter has continually revised his courses to offer the most up-to-date information to his students. The excellence of his courses is well known in the U3A community, and his commitment to the U3A movement generally, now sees Peter offering these courses at two other U3A organisations.
External Liaison
Over the past 2 years, Peter has also played a key role in the relationship developed between the Florey Institute and U3A Melbourne City, resulting each year in a series of daytime lecturers offered to U3A members on important neuroscience topics.
Committee of Management
From 2008 to 2010 Peter also served on the Committee of Management. During this period, he
· Chaired the Promotions Working Party (2008-10) which initiated successful grant applications for the development of promotional material for U3A; commissioned the design of a new logo; wrote specifications for the design of a new website, and reinvigorated our promotional activities at Seniors Week. In addition, through his contacts, he was instrumental in developing and implementing a strategy to strengthen our relationship with the City of Melbourne.
· was a member of the Policy and Planning Sub-Committee
· Represented U3A Melbourne City on the U3A Network Committee during 2009
· Investigated U3A Online and how it could be used to augment our offerings
· Designed and implemented our first online surveys (eg non-renewal of membership reasons)
· Managed two IT-related student project teams: in 2009 the re-design of our website with students from The University of Melbourne; and in 2011 a database project with students from Monash University.
Based on this sustained and conspicuous level of voluntary contribution, Peter was strongly commended for and awarded Life Membership of U3A Melbourne City in 2016.