Awarded 2018
Over the past ten years Julie has contributed significantly to the operations and development of U3A Melbourne City through various volunteer roles, especially in Course Coordination.
Committee of Management, 2010-2012
Serving on the Committee, Julie provided valuable input into strategic decision-making, policy formulation (Code of Conduct/Grievances, Student Feedback Policy, Foreign Languages Policy, Position descriptions and the Volunteer Agreement). She represented U3A Melbourne City at VCAT hearings relating to our application for exemption from the Age Discrimination Act.
Promotions Working Group 2009
As a member of this Group, Julie contributed to the development of the new U3A logo, banners and other promotional material (including Seniors Week display posters) and worked with students from Melbourne University to build our new website.
Course Coordinator 2010-2016
Taking on the role of Course Coordinator Julie began the process of building a team, and developing policies, procedures and practices required for the efficient planning and delivery of quality courses. She also focused on tutor recruitment and retention in order to grow and diversify the course program. Specifically, she
- Chaired a Tutor Reference group and built the CC Team to share the developing workload
- Conducted regular Tutor meetings to share ideas and issues; introduced stream- specific meetings to build teams and cohesive programs; and meetings for new tutors to hear issues and facilitate bonding with the organisation;
- Initiated workshops to enhance practice and recruited facilitators from amongst the more experienced tutors;
- Introduced and analysed the Student Feedback Survey from 2010 with reporting to Committee, tutors and administration. Valuable data for course planning & workshops and external promotions;
- Regularly liaised with and supported tutors on an individual basis;
- Chaired the Languages Working Group initially. Working with this group, and recruiting externally, she developed a cohesive foreign language program and policy, which allowed students to progress across levels.
- Worked regularly with Course Administration on key developments, operations and issues; and Committee of Management on grievances re tutors, New Members meetings and program issues.
- Liaised externally to diversify courses. In 2015 Julie played a key role in developing U3AMC relationship with the Florey Institute of Neuroscience, which has since delivered a series of lectures for U3A members. In addition, she liaised with the Flinders Quartet and the U3A Network (forums and liaison with Convenor, Education Committee).
Team Member, Course Coordination Team, 2017-2018
Julie continued her work with student feedback surveys and reporting to the Committee of Management. She has also assisted with tutor interviews, meetings with language tutors and has participated in reviews of the foreign language policy and student absences. She continues to act as liaison with the Florey Institute.
Through her contribution to Course Coordination, the quality and number of courses increased dramatically, adding depth, diversity and increased choice to our course program. On this basis Julie was commended for and awarded Life Membership of U3A Melbourne City in 2018.