Awarded 2009
John joined U3A City of Melbourne in 1996 and has since then played a major role in the life of the organisation.
He nominated for the Committee in 1997, becoming Vice-President the year after, and then President from 1999 to 2004, a period of six years. He was a general Committee member from 2005 to 2008 and then was appointed to a second term as President in 2009.
During his presidency, a number of significant events took place for which he provided leadership, steering the organization to desired outcomes and improving our standing within the community. These included: ·
1999 – 15th anniversary celebrations ·
2000 – joined U3A Network; negotiations with RMIT and signing of a Memorandum of Understanding ·
2001 – organisation move to RMIT ·
2004 – amalgamation with Adult Education Association Inc. ·
2004 – first strategic planning process ·
2004 – 20th anniversary celebrations
Having first joined as a tutor in 1996, concurrently with his committee responsibilities, John has run a very popular and well-organised course in Economics continuously for 13 years.
He has also been the Forum coordinator for many years, sourcing over that time a vast number of interesting guest speakers whose lecture topics had a wide appeal to members.
John has made a major contribution to the organization, and has always fulfilled his various roles in a diligent and conscientious manner.
Based on his continuous and distinguished volunteer contribution to U3A Melbourne City, John was commended and awarded Life Membership in 2009.