Helena Ling

Helena Ling was nominated for her sustained and outstanding volunteer contribution to U3A Melbourne City across many facets of the organization. These include:

Office Volunteer/Administrator: Helena has volunteered in the office at every level since joining U3A Melbourne City in 2006. She has performed every role required for the efficient functioning of the office at a very high level including- writing of procedures; developing forms and systems; overseeing the introduction of information technology ie Canopus and MyU3A; recruiting and training volunteers; managing the administration required for the production of our Newsletter; Course/Program Administration, including managing Room Bookings and training room booking volunteers; and basically any other job that needs to be done that no one else is available to do.

On Committee of Management 2009-2011; 2013; 2016 and served as Association Secretary and Assistant Secretary in the first term. Helena had a lead role and participated in various working groups such as: the Promotions WG in 2009 with lead role in developing New Logo; new banners; Name change; new website (Melbourne University project); survey of non-renewing members; in 2010 the RMIT Promotions DVD and the Radio Documentary (student projects). She was central to the Finances WG and the development of the Patrons Program as well as the Volunteering Working Party which documented Volunteering Roles & Responsibilities.

Public Speaking – Helena has represented this U3A at many events and been the public face of the organization as required including participating in New Member presentations and delegations to various organisations and conferences including the City of Melbourne.

U3A Melbourne City Archives Project (2010-2011) – Helena ensured that funding and personnel was found to progress this project recognizing the importance of documenting and keeping the records of our past. She continues to ensure that it is kept up to date and accesses it for information for eg when tutors reach their 10 year service and eligibility for Life Membership.

Grants: Helena has actively sought and obtained grants for various projects of benefit to members and volunteers from many sources. One of her Grants inspirations was the Digital Storytelling project which is such a wonderful resource and use of members skills.

Among the numerous other things that Helena has done are:

  • Collated and published the Annual Report since 2009 when she revamped it.
  • Involved with the Monash students’ database project
  • Key role in the development of Position Descriptions for core positions in 2012
  • Developed the Policy Register
  • Office and Tutors’ handbooks
  • She is the organisation’s “memory bank”.

Based on this distinguished volunteer contribution, Helena was highly commended for and awarded Life Membership of U3A Melbourne City in 2016.