George Boag has made a significant ongoing contribution to U3A Melbourne City since joining in about 2000. His achievements and contribution to U3A can be summarised under the following headings:
Tutor George started tutoring a short course in March 2003 called The French Revolution and this was quickly followed in the same year by The Crusades, Word Processing and The Media and Current Affairs. Since then, he has consistently offered a minimum of four courses each year, including the yearlong Current Affairs and short courses, such as Photoshop, Internet and computer skills.
Committee Membership George has been a dedicated member of the Committee of Management for 10 years, between 2002-2011. His attendance record has been commendable and he has always made a contribution to the business of the Committee.
U3A Network Representative In addition, he has acted as our representative to the Network, attending meetings and reporting back to the Committee of Management on business of relevance.
Based on his sustained and conspicuous level of voluntary contribution, George was strongly commended for the award of Life Membership of U3A Melbourne City. This was awarded in 2012.