Fran Sciarretta

Fran has made a significant volunteer contribution to U3A Melbourne City since joining in 2006, particularly as a member of the Committee of Management and Office Administration.

Office & Administration

Fran started volunteering in the office in 2008, and in 2010 took on the role of Volunteer Coordinator and organizing the office roster. This involved recruiting and training office volunteers, and keeping them abreast of all matters relevant to their jobs through regular communiques. More importantly, she has been able to develop a cohesive and supportive team through regular volunteer meetings and social events. It is a testament to her organizational and people skills that the office has never had to close due to lack of volunteers, especially since Fran herself has always stepped in when no-one else was available.

As part of the Office Administrative team, Fran has actively contributed in a thoughtful and meaningful way to the development and implementation of office procedures, handbooks and training guides.

Fran has a strong commitment to the self-help ethos of U3A and a strong belief in its value to older people.

Committee of Management

From 2011-2013 she was a member of the Management Committee and during this time was convenor of the Volunteering Working Party which was charged with developing and implementing strategies for the recruitment, retention and recognition of volunteers. One outcome of this was the re-vamping of the annual volunteers’ celebration, turning it into an event worth attending!

Based on this sustained and conspicuous level of voluntary contribution, Fran was strongly commended for and awarded Life Membership of U3A Melbourne City in 2018.